Teen & Young Adults Coaching

Coaching adults and coaching teens use two different approaches. Most of the time, teens are encouraged by their parents to come to see me. It is therefore important that I help the teenager to understand or figure out the goals to be achieved throughout the sessions and to be able to see the big picture.

What I Offer

60 mins one-on-one sessions

10 sessions program - Students & Teens life coaching

This program is based on The Academic Life Coaching (ALC) program. It is about identifying what the student really wants in life as well as in school, learning how to better face challenges and deal with relationships.

For more information about Academic Life Coaching: academiclifecoaching.com
During the sessions we will be using the ALC student workbook.

You don’t have to go through your life struggles alone. Reach out today

I will help you figure out the best solutions and options for yourself