50 000 thoughts a day
Our brain generates more 50000 thoughts a day, and 80% of them are negative.

Learn to say No!
How many times have you said yes to someone’s request when you actually felt like saying no? Always put your own oxygen mask on first, before helping others!

How to train your brain to be more present
This temptation to multitask has only gotten worse in the work-from-home era. But there are ways to fight it.

3 Science-Backed Strategies to Build Healthy Habits in the New Year
It’s the season for setting new goals and making resolutions, but the secret to lasting change is constructing a system of habits that make new outcomes possible.

A Two-Minute Mindfulness Practice to Unhijack Your Attention
Explore this portable mindfulness practice you can use any time of day to break out of autopilot and tune into what’s happening around you.

How menopause affects the brain
Although there is no gendered brain, our brains aged differently and menopause plays a key role..

It all begins with the brain!
Brain-based coaching respects the substantial differences between people’s brains, focusing on helping coaches think things through for themselves and make their own new connections.
You don’t have to go through your life struggles alone. Reach out today
I will help you figure out the best solutions and options for yourself